In Development

Robby's Rule
Screenwriter: Alex Goldberg
Genre: Biopic, Drama
103rd Street Productions has optioned Rob Buswell’s memoir Robby's Rule: A Journey to Redemption. Alex Goldberg is adapting it into a screenplay.
Rob and Alex grew up at the same time in the same town, went to the same schools, and even were in the same little league... although by sheer luck Rob had a different t-ball coach, which started Rob off on a harrowing journey of abuse that took decades to process and overcome. Rob has since become an advocate and was instrumental in getting multiple laws passed that protect children in Virginia from predators. Rob told his story of grit and perseverance with a great sense of humor, and we look forward to adapting his fascinating story.

Director/Screenwriter: Alex Goldberg
Genre: Drama/ Dark C​omedy​
Architecture Professor Ann Garza’s restorative weekend at the country house she shares with her ex-husband is ruined when her ex and his new perfect girlfriend arrive, and to overcome Ann’s own scheduling mistake she goes on a bender and hooks up with the right person at the wrong time.